Get To Know Me


My name is Klaira. I’m in the 8th grade and in the high school marching band. I am writing this because it will help with my future. I will use my blog to help with my future career and it will help me with real world situations. This will help with my future because in the future I might want to write a blog and this will give me experience.

Career Clusters

I chose the Health Sciences career cluster.  The reason I chose this career cluster is because I would like to become a pediatrician and this cluster has always been interesting to me. I chose this career because one of our guest speakers was a nurse and she told us about different types of jobs in the Health Sciences cluster.  A  pediatrician was just one of the many this caught my interest because you get to work with children.


My slides are under the Health Science and here are some jobs and a few things about them.